‘Make way for the personalities who will (re)make the headlines! Bis repetita! After 2011, the journalists of Le Quotidien have once again taken up the challenge of selecting the people who will rule the headlines in the coming decade.
First there were two stunning solos (SIXFOLD and FELT), then HEAR EYES MOVE, a landmark (and applauded) work. Finally, her ‘Invisible Dances’, a global invitation to break free from pandemic sclerosis. Elisabeth Schilling is constantly innovating, her choreographies weaving a subtle link with all other art forms. This boldness and imagination was rewarded two months ago by the Lëtzeburger Danzprais. A ‘multiple body’ that should continue to spread in the coming years.’

‘Winner of the Lëtzebuerger Danzpräis, Elisabeth Schilling is the young star of the European contemporary dance’


Elisabeth was interviewed by Loic Millot (www.culture.lu) about her past and upcoming projects. The whole interview can be found here.

For the premiere of HEAR EYES MOVE. Dances with Ligeti at the Grand Théâtre Luxembourg, Elisabeth Schilling and her team received numerous impressive press reports. Previews and reviews have appeared in Revue Magazine, d’Letzebuerger Land, Luxemburger Wort, Le Quotidien, OPUS Magazine and La Glaneuse, among others.

All articles can be found here.

OPUS Magazine has published an extensive portrait of Elisabeth Schilling and her work. Many thanks to Eva-Maria Reuther for the great report.

Elisabeth was interviewed by Paul Lohberger on the Invisible Dances Project for Corso / Deutschlandfunk.

The interview can be found HERE.


Elisabeth was interviewed by Trierischer Volksfreund about her most recent work Orolis Oram / The Dying Swans Project for Gauthier Dance Stuttgart.



Today at 19.05h Elisabeth will be in interview at Radio ORF talking about her choreographic work HEAR EYES MOVE. Dances with Ligeti, her process working with this music and the inspirations behind the dance. 





Elisabeth had the pleasure to be a guest on SWR Landesschau on 05th January 2020


‘We cannot be turned off like a light switch.‘ Elisabeth Schilling on the situation of artists in Lockdown and the creativity that the current restrictions demand: ‘What is on view should bring joy, surprise and also inspire reflection.‘

Interviewed by Trierischer Volksfreund, November 2020 on the Invisible Dances Project