Elisabeth was recently interviewed by journalist Christina Bents and had an opportunity to talk about her work.
This artist portrait was published by the Trierischer Volksfreund.
Elisabeth had a pleasure to be invited to the RTL Radio and PodPurri podcast to talk about her current and past projects.
Entire episode can be found HERE


On the occasion of International Tanzmesse nrw in Dusseldorf, Elisabeth was invited to discuss her process for creating cross-disciplinary projects, which combine music, design and visual arts. Interview is a part of a video series DancefromLuxembourg created by Kultur | lx and TROIS C-L.


Press review (in French) about the TRIOLOGUE – the first project of ‘Dancing the City’, was published recently by Wunnen Magazin.

‘Make way for the personalities who will (re)make the headlines! Bis repetita! After 2011, the journalists of Le Quotidien have once again taken up the challenge of selecting the people who will rule the headlines in the coming decade.
First there were two stunning solos (SIXFOLD and FELT), then HEAR EYES MOVE, a landmark (and applauded) work. Finally, her ‘Invisible Dances’, a global invitation to break free from pandemic sclerosis. Elisabeth Schilling is constantly innovating, her choreographies weaving a subtle link with all other art forms. This boldness and imagination was rewarded two months ago by the Lëtzeburger Danzprais. A ‘multiple body’ that should continue to spread in the coming years.’