Archive for year: 2021
Dear all,
We would like to wish you a most beautiful holiday season. We hope you can enjoy some rest, time for reflection and that some quietness will spark new ideas for the year to come.
As we near the end of 2021, we are invited to look back on the artistic events that we realised and celebrated together with you. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your belief in our work throughout the last year.
For the new year, we would like to wish you all the very best. May it be filled with memorable moments of love, care and light, creative experiences of wonder and inspiration, joyful adventures full of laughter and luck, but most of all continuous health.
With the hope of meeting in person very soon we remain with warmest wishes,
Elisabeth Schilling & Team
‘Winner of the Lëtzebuerger Danzpräis, Elisabeth Schilling is the young star of the European contemporary dance’
Elisabeth was interviewed by Loic Millot ( about her past and upcoming projects. The whole interview can be found here.
Join us on Sun 10 Oct 2021 where there will be a “spontaneous encounter” with one of the performers as well as a free ticketed workshop to get involved with whilst the painted traces are still visible!
Date / Time
Times vary
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