Elisabeth will be part of Clod Ensemble’s new production PLACEBO, which will premiere and tour the UK this autumn. Clod Ensemble is one of London’s most renowned interdisciplinary companies working between movement, music, theatre, medicine and architecture.


The dates are:

Salford. The Lowry. 11 – 13 October 2018. Book tickets.
Brighton. Attenborough Centre for the Creative Arts. 16 – 17 October 2018. Book tickets.
Preston. Derelict at UCLan. 19 – 20 October. Book tickets.
London. The Place. 30 October – 10 November 2018. Book tickets.



A room full of expectation, suggestion and infectious rhythm.

What is fake and what is real? Is the movement the medicine?

Placebo is an invigorating celebration of the power we have to make ourselves feel better, even when things are falling apart.

Seven dancers and an audience reckon with the placebo effect –  attempting a series of experiments to discover what gives them pleasure and what dulls their pain. Movements are repackaged, distorted, multiplied and abandoned, propelled by a rich original score that sweeps mischievously through euphoric club tracks to classical fugues. Sometimes playful, sometimes brutal, Placebo revels in how even something considered ‘fake’ can have very real consequences.

Commissioned by The Place.


The Power of Placebo

The Power of Placebo is a national programme of events to accompany our new performance, Placebo.

The ‘placebo response’ describes an effect which occurs when a person is given a ‘fake’ or ‘inactive’ treatment but experiences an improvement in health regardless.

Scientific research has shown that the colour or size of pills can impact on their effectiveness, that sham surgery can create lasting pain relief, and that the ‘performance’ of the doctor can impact on medical outcomes. Some placebo treatments have now been shown to create measurable physiological change in the brain and the immune system.

What are the ramifications of this research for the way we think about and practice healthcare? Is modern medicine making the most of the power of placebo?

These events bring together scientists, artists, architects, ethicists, writers and anthropologists, to explore how our attitudes, beliefs, relationships, rituals and environments can affect our health for better or for worse.

Image: Camilla Greenwell

‘A performance that gets under your skin’ and leaves the audience ‘breathless’ were the words written on SIXFOLD in the Mainzer Allgemeine Zeitung on 07 / 09 / 2018 responding to the opening evening of the exhibition ‘Man muss das Leben tanzen. Kunst Körper. Tanz. Wechselbeziehungen.’ (Life must be danced. Art. Body. Dance. Interrelations.’) The exhibition is still on display until 21st December 2018 at the Akademie der Wissenchaften und der Literatur, Mainz.


Photo: Lukas Görlach


From 10th – 14th September, Elisabeth will give the daily professional class at TROIS C-L, Centre de Création CHorégraphique Luxembourgeois. The class will take place from 10-11.30am at Banannefabrik in Bonnevoie.

“a dance work whose beginning has not so engaged since E=mc2 from the 1980“,“ (Elisabeth Schilling) holds life out for inspection, suspending with nothing more than a rigorous physical discipline, our own selves and beginnings “ Jon Seymour, writer

“Fascinating. […] Seeing the piece for the third time I was once again shocked at the new associations I was forming. I cannot let go of the feeling that every time I see this piece something new will reveal itself to me. This speaks for the quality of the piece.” Bernard Baumgarten, Director of TROIS C-L, Centre de Création Chorégraphique Luxembourgeois

“A unique and exceptional artist.” Simone Röhr, Stiftung Stadt Wittlich, Gallery Casa Tony M., Wittlich

“A truly outstanding performance.” Joachim Rodenkirch, Mayor of the City of Wittlich “With a complete and profound depth – it was beautiful, really beautiful. What a great

choreographer! “ Sally Marie, Artistic Director Sweetshop Revolution
“Very rarely have I seen a human being who has moved with such ardency and love to what

they do.” Marlene Schommer
”Like a snail shell of infinite love.” Qui, 9 years old

“The piece is complete in its totality. […] It was abstract in such an extraordinary manner, and executed with such a deep sense of authenticity that one can only achieve if one performs with the whole heart. […].” Christopher Petry

On 8th September  2018 SIXFOLD will be shown at the Chemnitz Complex Theater in Chemnitz.

More information at: https://www.chemnitzkomplex.de/

Photo: Bohumil Kostohryz