On April 11th you are warmly invited to see some extracts of Elisabeth Schilling’s and Simone Mousset’s new piece ‘Impressing the Grand Duke’ being performed at the previews of ‘Les Emergences – Vol. 3’ in Luxembourg.

Free entrance!

Info on: www.danse.lu

Après le succès des deux premières éditions en 2015, « Les Émergences » sont de retour, invitant le grand public à découvrir les univers artistiques des nouveaux visages de la danse contemporaine au Luxembourg.

Un projet du TROIS C-L – Centre de Création Chorégraphique Luxembourgeois en collaboration avec le Cercle Cité.

Les chorégraphes participant à ce troisième volume dévoileront un avant-goût de leurs créations lors de cette soirée Prélude du 11 avril 2016 à 19h00 dans les salons de la ville. (Entrée principale Place d’Armes / Entrée libre)

Informations : info@cerclecite.lu⎥ www.cerclecite.lu

Simone Mousset & Elisabeth Schilling⎥ Impressing the Grand Duke :
Une pièce en l’honneur de son Altesse Royale, le Grand Duc, dans laquelle deux artistes font des rencontres atypiques.

Hannah Ma⎥ ARENA – L’homme contre l’animal et l’ennemi venu de l’intérieur :
La mise en scène de l’union de deux hommes qui affrontent la fatalité de leur destin dans un dernier combat.

Giovanni Zazzera & Sergio Mel⎥ Quand le silence parle :
Cette création est une invitation à découvrir l’univers du silence qui nous questionne, nous fait danser ou nous raconte ce qu’il a à dire.

Baptiste Hilbert & Catarina Barbosa⎥ As you want :
Notre histoire à tous, depuis les abymes jusqu’à la lumière !

Jill Crovisier⎥ Zement :
Une chorégraphie fondée sur la thématique de la séparation et la symbolique du mur avec la main humaine comme outil de construction et de destruction

Les créations seront ensuite visible à la Bannanefabrik :
Mercredi 27, jeudi 28 et vendredi 29 avril 2016 | 20:00
Samedi 30 avril 2016 | 16:00 + 20:00
Bannanefabrik | 12 rue du Puits | L-2355 Luxembourg-Bonnevoie

Informations : danse@danse.lu | (+352) 40 45 69
Billeterie en ligne sur www.danse.lu

Initié par le TROIS C-L, « Les Émergences » englobe un programme de soutien à la création contemporaine, ainsi qu’un cycle de représentations publiques. L’objectif du projet est de mettre en valeur les signatures chorégraphiques en devenir dans le paysage artistique au Luxembourg, tout en créant des ponts entre les jeunes créateurs et le grand public.

Elisabeth will start the first week of rehearsals for the production ‘Living Archive’ by choreographer Artémise Ploegearts to be premiered in Novmber at Oostblock Amsterdam!

The Choreographer’s note:‚I see the body as a filter of experiences rather than a container. I believe that it has no core or essence that would determine its identity. I rather understand it as a filter of experiences that transforms depending on its contact with its environment. I like working on bodily sensations in order to avoid cultural connotations interfering in the movement research. I work on movement while I define it as the sensational experience of having, being, or noticing any kind of body, as either performer or spectator. It also allows the dis/embodiment of a specific environment and corporeality.‘

This week, Elisabeth will perform Mara Vivas’ Tryptich. The shows will take place on the 17th and 18th March, 8pm, in the Robin Howard Theatre, The Place, London.

Tickets: httpss://www.theplace.org.uk/whats-on/london-contemporary-dance-school-presents-4

Elisabeth founded the a.s.b.l ‘Making Dances’ together with Simone Mousset and Pavel Grachev. The a.s.b.l. is very much looking forward to the future artistic activities in Luxembourg and internationally.

The aim of the a.s.b.l. ‘Making dances’ is one the one hand the development of the language of dance and furthermore the research and development of the art form dance.

Those aims will be reached by conducting research processes as well as the creation of solo, duo or group works and moreover the creation of collaborations with musicians, visual artists etc. Through an experimental working cooperation, the limits between art forms will be explored in order develop common ideas and make exciting work.

Elisabeth will be performing OPTIKE by Anu Sistonen in Mancieulles, North of France, this week again. It is a beautiful piece combining intricate & experimental lighting with Anu’s unique movement vocabulary.

Tickets: httpss://www.theatreicietla.com/

On February 16th, Elisabeth will perform at Hannah Ma & Guests in Kulturzentrum ‘Beim Nessert’ in Bergem.

Tickets:  krys.pleimelding@mondercange.lu

On February 13th, Elisabeth will perform together with sound artist William ‘BilWa’ Costa and dancers Emily Ranford as well as Saori Hala as part of the festival impro.per.arts in Berlin in Kunstquartier Bethanien.


More Infos & Tickets: httpss://impro-per-arts.de/performances/60-minutes/3-minutes-20-times/

Movement Qualities and Textures
in Choreography and Improvisation

Elisabeth’s artistic research is concerned with continuously researching and finding new and unknown moment qualities and textures. She moreover experiments with how these can be set choreographically in time and space and in relation to each other.
The first part of this workshop will be a dance class, in which Elisabeth, inspired by her work, will prepare an articulate, attentive and curious body to move with individual instinct through precise alignment, flow of weight, use of time and dynamic playfulness.
The second part of this workshop focusses on individual creativity and curiosity. By introducing exploratory tasks as well as set material, the positive and energetic environment will encourage discovering the body’s full potential through facility, strength, efficiency and a creative mind.

Elisabeth is a dancer and dance maker. Having danced for Scottish Dance Tehatre and Candoco Dance Company (amongst others) she also interpreted repertoire by Trisha Brown and Sasha Waltz. Elisabeth’s has taught numerous workshops and classes for students of all ages and levels in the UK, Ireland, Denmark, Germany and Luxembourg for institutions such as 3-CL Luxembourg, Skolen for Moderne Dans, Copenhagen, Northern School of Contemporary Dance, Sasha Waltz & Guest Kindertanzkompanie, London Contemporary Dance School’s youth company SHIFT, SEAD Salzburg amongst others. More information on: www.elisabethschilling.com

When: 13th and 14th of February 10Uhr-14Uhr
Where: to be confirmed
Price: 15€ daily
Enrollment: to enrol please send an E-Mail to kristin.m@web.de until 6th of February

Simone Mousset and Elisabeth Schilling have started their new collaboration ‘Impressing the Grand Duke’. The piece will premiere as part of ‘Les Emergence No.3’ at Trois C-L, Centre de Creation Choréographique Luxembourgeois in April 2016.

Impressing the Grand Duke” is a multidisciplinary performance combining dance, video projection and theatre. The piece is a satirical comment on the sociocultural context of young artists who are labelled as “”emerging””. It aims at critically exploring the politics behind art making and the institutionalised and individual powers that exert pressure on artists in the process of art making.

More infos on:

December – The Nutcracker season has started! Elisabeth will join the production of ‘Nutcracker – The party’ at Théâtre National du Luxembourg. Come and see her dance Mr Drosselmeyer, a slightly quirky, ambiguous, obscure, however loving character in this contemporary adaptation of the classic!

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