The intercultural dance project ‘Tanz verbindet’ at the refugee camp Juvente Mainz received a lovely article in the newspaper Mainzer Allgemeine Zeitung.

Bringing this special project to an end, I would particulary like to thank the journalist Oliver Schäfer and equally the wonderful volunteers who supported me and this project so preciously. Thank you to Susanne & Manfred Schmidt, Svenja Pomorin, Ursula Gueth, Robin Lambrecht and Aifric Ní Chaoimh.




An extract of Elisabeth’s exhibition STADTKÖRPER, which she created in collaboration with various photographers from Berlin in 2013, is now on display at the Saatchi Gallery, London.

The specific picture has been shot by Benjamin Kummer.

More information: httpss://

Where? Saatchi Gallery London, 2nd floor.


Elisabeth is very excited to be dancing in the new production of Simone Mousset, which has been devised in collaboration with Koen Augustijn. ‘The Passion of Andrea, or: How We Learned to Laugh with Our Monsters’ is a production of TalentLab, Grand Théâtre Luxembourg and will premiere on June 15th in Luxmebourg.


Elisabeth is very excited to be performing in Pablo Bronstein’s commission for the Tate Britain 2016 over the summer.


Pablo Bronstein: Historical Dances in an Antique Setting

At London's Tate Britain, artist Pablo Bronstein has merged vogueing, ballet and Baroque choreography for “Historical Dances in an Antique Setting," his most ambitious project to date. “This work is a trip back in time," Bronstein says. "It’s an image of the past."Here's an exclusive look at this innovative new work. (Footage courtesy of Tate)

Gepostet von CNN Style am Dienstag, 26. April 2016


Project for people from the whole world

20th Juni – 01th July 2016 in Juvente Mainz

Dance doesn’t need language, doesn’t know boarders neither the idea of nationality. Dance simply needs an openness for harmonic togetherness through movement. I would thus like to invite teenagers that fled to our country from far as well as local teenagers to use the possibility within the project to get in touch with each other. Moreover, I would like to fill the every day life of all participants wit dance, creativity, joy as well as human relationships.
At the end of this project, we plan to put on a dance show, if the participants are interested.

This project is supported by the Ministry of Culture Rheinland-Pfalz as well as Juvente Foundation Mainz.

Elisabeth is excited to be teaching class at ProDanceLeeds from 10th – 14th May 2016.

More information on: httpss://

‘Creative together – Side by side’ is an intercultural project with dance,

music and singing for people aged 14 – 22 from all over the world!

05 / 05 bis zum 08 / 05 / 2016 in Jugendbildungsstätte Marienburg, 56856 Zell

Music and dance are languages that communicate between people beyond borders and nationalities. As part of this project, we would love to use these languages to get in touch with teenagers that fled from far. Together in harmony, with creativity, voice, dance and movement, we would like to redisover sounds cross borders, and establish ties.

Final performance on Sunday: 08 / 05 / 2016, 3pm in Haus der Jugend in Wittlich, Kurfürstenstr. 3

Kontakt und Info: Birgit Laux, Kirche der Jugend Marienburg, Tel. 0049 6542/90 13 53,

Project organised by Kirche der Jugend, Jedem Kind Seine Kunst, Fachstelle Plus Marienburg and Elisabeth Schilling.

We are proud that the director of Abbaye Neumünster Luxembourg startet a discussion in Tageblatt Luxembourg on the subjects raised in ‘Impressing the Grand Duke’.

‘…through playful self-reference the show portrays the qualities that one expects: original, fresh, authentic, creative, innovative. Long live humour and cheekiness!’

We can’t wait to premiere our new work the upcoming week!

27. – 30. April in Bannanefabrik | 12 rue du Puits | L-2355 Luxembourg-Bonnevoie

More info on: httpss://

Collaborating together with Luxembourgish choreographer Simone Mousset, Elisabeth has created the piece ‘Impressing the Grand Duke’ which will premiere in April as part of the programme ‘Les Emergences – vol. 4’ at TROIS C-L, Centre de Création Chorégraphique Luxembourgeois.

Il était une fois une artiste nommée Nymphadora. Nymphadora vivait sur le troisième arc-en-ciel (vu de la gauche) dans le dernier Grand-Duché du monde. Là, elle rêvait, dansait et créait du matin au soir. Tout était parfait dans le monde de Nymphadora, jusqu’au jour où elle reçut un appel du Grand-Duc… qui l’envoie sur une mission importante : Nymphadora, une des artistes émergentes les plus prometteuses du Grand-Duché, doit trouver l’œuvre la plus originale du monde.



Monday 11th of April 2016, at 7 pm
Cercle Cité | Place d’Armes L-1136 | Luxembourg-Centre |

Wednesday 27th, Thursday 28th and Friday 29th of April 2016  |  8 pm
Saturday 30th of April 2016  |  4 pm + 8 pm
Banannefabrik12, rue du PuitsL-2355 Luxembourg-Bonnevoie

Rate: 15 € (full rate), 8 € (reduced rate), 1,50 € (Kulturpass)
Information :⎥Telephone : +352 40 45 69
Please contact us for “Kulturpass”-tickets (

A project by : TROIS C-L- Centre de Création Chorégraphique Luxembourgeois
In collaboration with Cercle Cité
Financial support : Ministère de la Culture, Ville de Luxembourg, Cercle Cité