On June 17th at 6pm ELisabeth will perform SIXFOLD as part of ‘Curious’ at The Barn in Aberdeen, UK.
Curious is a creative, curated supper club which invites curious patrons to view experimental work followed by a supper with the artist to discuss their work. As part of this talking session, Elsiabeth will introduce her appraoch of the ‘Key Chain’ methodology, a specific way of initiating discusions on art works, to the audience.
Light supper included in the ticket price. Advance booking essential. Please indicate dietary requirements at the time of booking.
Curious is a partnership between Sound, NEAT, and the Barn.
On June 3rd and 4th, Dana Caspersen’s event ‘UNDER I STAND’ will take place at the Uferstudios, Berlin as part of ‘Ausufern Festival’. Elisabeth had worked with Dana at the event ‘UNDER I STAND’ in Los Angeles and now contributed to making it work for Germany.
Image: M Palma Photography
In the past week, SIXFOLD was shown on RTL television in Luxembourg:
Anina Valle Thiele interviewed Elisabeth in regards to her Mudam performances on May 19th and 20th for the Luxembourger Land.
‘Contemporary dance for me is a platform where one can break away from the dualistic; the pure language of movement! That’s what I am looking for. I don’t want my pieces to be ‚about‘ something, but just ‚that they are‘. But I am still at the very beginning. It is a lifetime’s work to explore what this might be.‘
In regards to the Mudam performance of SIXFOLD the journalist Sophia Schülke led an interview with Elisabeth:
Image: Stefio Ceccon
Leading up to her performances of SIXFOLD in MUDAM Luxembourg, Elisabeth met up with journalist Marie-Laure Rolland who wrote a portarit on her and her work.
‘On 19th and 20th May, Elisabeth will follow the footsteps of the great flemish choreographer Anna Teresa de Keersmaeker, who presented her work at Mudam one month ago.’ Marie-Laure Rolland
The full article is available on: https://laglaneuse.lu/la-rolling-stone-delisabeth-schilling/
In teh coming weeks, Elisabeth will participate in another research phase with the London based interdisciplinary company ‘Clod Ensemble’. They work towards the creation of a new piece called ‘Placebo’ to premiere in October this year.
This year, Elisabeth will be ‘the face’ of theatre Rotonde’s puppet festival in Luxembourg.
More info on: httpss://rotondes.lu/agenda/details/event/marionettefestival-4/
Photography: Sven Becker
Cotsume: Mélanie Planchard
SIXFOLD will be performed at MUDAM as part of Luxembourg Museum Days on 19th and 20th May at 12 & 4pm.
Image: Bohumil Kostohryz
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