Their Past shows the fragile arrival of a contemporary dancer in the mysterious land of folklore. Guided by local inhabitants in red, whirling skirts, she journeys through time – responding with ever-increasing confidence to the bold symphonic scores of Russian composer Yuri Khanon. Strangely insistent, hypnotic even, Khanon’s music supports, leads and urges the bodies onwards in space: bodies whirl gently, joyfully, urgently, buoyantly – in pursuit or in abandon – towards the inevitable ending…
‘As rich in imagination and as enigmatic as Khanon’s music, Their Past forges a unity of its elements that sustains its folkloric enchantment to the end.’
Nicholas Minns, Writing About Dance
‘What retains the attention here is the mastery with which Simone Mousset lets the trio evolve on stage and the way in which the gestures of the dancers converse.’
Marie-Laure Rolland, Luxemburger Wort
Choreography: Simone Mousset
Choreographic Assistance: Elisabeth Schilling
Dancers: Hannah Ma, Simone Mousset, Elisabeth Schilling
Music: Part 0 and 1 of “Middle Symphony” by Yuri Khanon
Co-produced by the Centre de Création Chorégraphique Luxembourgeois, TROIS C-L
Supported by the Ministère de la Culture du Luxembourg; Ville de Luxembourg; Cercle Cité; Oeuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte | stART-up; Fonds Culturel National; Hotel Stayrooms Luxembourg; Tufa Tanz e.V.; Town of Trier; Best Western Corona Hotel London.