This week, Elisabeth will perform Mara Vivas’ Tryptich. The shows will take place on the 17th and 18th March, 8pm, in the Robin Howard Theatre, The Place, London.

Tickets: httpss://

Elisabeth founded the a.s.b.l ‘Making Dances’ together with Simone Mousset and Pavel Grachev. The a.s.b.l. is very much looking forward to the future artistic activities in Luxembourg and internationally.

The aim of the a.s.b.l. ‘Making dances’ is one the one hand the development of the language of dance and furthermore the research and development of the art form dance.

Those aims will be reached by conducting research processes as well as the creation of solo, duo or group works and moreover the creation of collaborations with musicians, visual artists etc. Through an experimental working cooperation, the limits between art forms will be explored in order develop common ideas and make exciting work.