Audiences voices after FELT Première by Véronique Kesseler, Meridith Moth, Sandra Lieners, Christopher Petry and Juliette Geesmann.

On May 18th 2019 ELisabeth will peform FELT at Frankfurter Hof in Mainz.

More info at:

The press review on FELT by Anina Valle Thiele in Luxembourg’s Tageblatt:

‚Elisabeth Schilling keeps surprising (…). Her dance choreographies are unusual, explosive and abstract. They play with our perception.’

Some (audience members) even spoke of a new art form, between choreography and performance, between visual art and dance and material that has come to life.’

On 11 May, Elisabeth will dance a performance specially developed for the museum at the Museum für angewandte Kunst in Frankfurt during the event of the Night of the Museums in Frankfurt.Uhr: 22 / 23 / 24Uhr. Admission free.

The choreographer and dancer Elisabeth Schilling presents a performance on the Lichtbrücke on the first floor of the museum, which combines dance, design and music into an aesthetic work of art. The variation developed for the museum refers to Schilling’s wide-ranging repertoire, in which she deals with movement qualities and textures as well as their composition in time and space’.

More info at:


Exhibition: Opening of the exhibition Sagmeister & Walsh: Beauty
After the great success of his Happy Show, Stefan Sagmeister, the New York-based superstar of graphic design, returns to the Museum of Applied Arts in 2019. Together with his studio partner Jessica Walsh, the new exhibition project Beauty provides a very personal, visually impressive plea for the pleasure of beauty. To kick off the exhibition, we take the visitors* to the Night of the Museums on a sensually pleasurable search for the question: What is beauty and why do we feel attracted to it?

Exhibition: Contemporary Muslim Fashions
From haute couture to streetwear to sportswear: The market for Muslim fashion is growing rapidly worldwide. Contemporary Muslim Fashions is the first major exhibition to deal with the phenomenon of contemporary Muslim fashion. After the show caused a sensation at the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, it will be shown in Frankfurt as the first stop in Europe. Visitors* are immersed in snapshots of current Muslim clothing styles from around the world, with a focus on the Middle East and Southeast Asia as well as Europe and the USA.

Image: Ari Weinkle

From 7th to 10th May FELT will in residency in Elisabeth’s hometown Wittlich with numerous events: from workshops to an exhibition about the backgrounds and inspirations of FELT, as well as a performance and artist talk.

Performance FELT: 09 May, 20h Wittlich Synagogue, Free admission. Tickets: (0049 6571-146614)

Exhibition on process and inspiration of FELT: 06 – 10 May CASA Tony M. – Museum Tony Munzlinger. Free admission.

Workshops: 07, 8, 10 May CASA Tony M. – Museum Tony Munzlinger. Free admission. Registration: Simone Röhr (Wittlich City Foundation) possible: phone 06571-146622 / 06571-14660, e-mail

After Elisabeth Schilling had already been in residency at Tony Munzlinger’s museum in 2017 with her piece “SIXFOLD”, she will be a guest in her home town of Wittlich in the week from 7 to 10 May 2019 with her new work “FELT” after the premiere in Luxembourg and before the start of the international tour. She will perform the piece at the Wittlich Synagogue on 9 May.

In the exhibition rooms of the “CASA Tony M.” two different formats are offered in this framework: On Tuesday and Wednesday, 7 and 8 May, and on Friday, 10 May 2019, free workshops for children and young people will be held several times a day.

In three different workshop formats, Elisabeth Schilling wants to open up a creative perspective on dance, contemporary art and design to children, young people and adults in small groups. Participation is free, previous knowledge in the field of dance is not expected. The 45-minute workshops start on the hour, registration and appointments can be made with Simone Röhr (Stiftung Stadt Wittlich) until 3 May 2019: phone 06571-146622 / 06571-14660, e-mail

WORKSHOP I + II – For children in the age groups 3 to 6 and 7 to 12 years old
Workshops I and II are aimed at children of different age groups and use playful means to introduce them to the possibilities of contemporary dance. With the help of various exercises, the participants are guided to dance themselves and discover new forms of movement in relation to design.

WORKSHOP III – For Teenagers and Adults
Workshop III for young people offers an introduction to artistic creation using dance and choreography as examples. Using selected examples from dance, choreography and design, the participants will gain an insight into the process of creating a piece between form consciousness and creativity.

During the opening hours of the Casa Tony M., Elisabeth Schilling will give an insight into the creative process of the artistic work on the production FELT by means of various media such as film and picture material, books and drawings.

On Thursday, 9 May 2019, 8 p.m. Schilling will perform the play at the Synagoge, Himmeroder Straße 44 in Wittlich, a venue for cultural events and conferences. Admission is free – tickets are now available at the advance ticket office in the Old Town Hall on the market square in Wittlich (telephone 06571-146614).

FELT was initiated by the dancer and choreographer Elisabeth Schilling and developed together with an international team: the designers and visual artists Mélanie Planchard and Eric Schuhmacher, the composer Andréas Papapetrou, the curator Simone Stewart, the dramaturge Moritz Gansen and the research assistants Dr. Nele Lipp and Tim Nunn. It is a production of the Making Dances a.s.b.l. and was supported by the Silvio und Waltraud dell` Antonio-Kunsmann-Stiftung Wittlich, Ministry for Science, Further Education and Culture Rhineland-Palatinate, the Kulturstiftung Rheinland-Pfalz, TROIS C-L, Cercle Cité Luxembourg, Goethe Institute Glasgow, Ministère de la Culture Luxembourg, Fondation Indépendance Luxembourg, Sparkasse Mittelmosel EMH, Vereinigte Volksbank Raiffeisenbank eG.

On 26th and 27th April 2019, Elisabeth will perform the newly created FELT at the Kulturwoche Koinzi-Dance in Hamburg at the Festival ‘Valises et Passages’. This will be the piece’s first tour date.

More information on:

Leading up to the premiere of FELT, journalist Marie-Laure Rolland visited Elisabeth in the studio. The article in repsonse to this visited is published in the magazine ‘La Glaneuse’:


Image: Martine Pinnel

Leading up to the premiere of FELT, the Luxembourger Wort published an article on the work:



On 18th April, a report on FELT by journalist Sarah Rock was published on Luxembourgish television RTL:


Image: Martine Pinnel

‚She has developed a unique art that is open to other disciplines, which she willingly shares with a neophyte audience in unusual places.‘

“If we also count the choreographic commissions created for the prestigious Tate Moderne (London), it is not surprising to see the rapid evolution of this young choreographer who sees dance as an artistic whole.’

Grégory Cimatti le Quotidien.