On 26th and 27th April 2019, Elisabeth will perform the newly created FELT at the Kulturwoche Koinzi-Dance in Hamburg at the Festival ‘Valises et Passages’. This will be the piece’s first tour date.

More information on: https://www.koinzi.de

As part of her residency at TripSpace London, Elisabeth will facilitate ProDance training from Monday – Friday, 11th – 14th March, from 11 – 12.30pm.



Image: Bohumil Kostohryz

The inner political situation in Germany in the last weeks inspired Elisabeth to rechoreograph the traditional Bavarian Bandl Tanz together with Syrian and German teenagers. Instead of using the Bavarian colors, it was decided to interweave both the colors of the Syrian and the German flag as a sign of peaceful togetherness and openness to each other’s cultures.


Thank you to Fachstelle Plus and Jedem Kind seine Kunst for the support.

Leading up to her performances of SIXFOLD in MUDAM Luxembourg, Elisabeth met up with journalist Marie-Laure Rolland who wrote a portarit on her and her work.

‘On 19th and 20th May, Elisabeth will follow the footsteps of the great flemish choreographer Anna Teresa de Keersmaeker, who presented her work at Mudam one month ago.’ Marie-Laure Rolland

The full article is available on: https://laglaneuse.lu/la-rolling-stone-delisabeth-schilling/




Elisabeth will be in residency at City Moves Aberdeen from 3rd June – 7th June.

There will be various ways to engage with the work and herself throughout the week and she hopes to see you there:

Tuesday 4th July: 10-11am – Open workshop

Thursday 6th July 1-2pm – lunch time performance
Friday 7th July 5-6pm – evening performance

All events are FREE



Photo: Tony Humbleyard