We’re looking for six professional dancers to take part in Elisabeth’s Schilling’s Invisible Dances.

Invisible Dances combines dance and visual art in a poetic and playful way. It will take place in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole over 5 days in March. This short-term contract will see six dancers working in pairs to trace a route from the PDSW building across our borough – one through Bournemouth, one through Christchurch and one through Poole.

You will feature in filmed shorts commissioned and distributed by PDSW and on Elisabeth Schilling’s project website. You can see Elisabeth’s work and find out more about the project here

If you would like to know more please see the information below or email our Programme & Artist Development Producer Jeanette if you require an informal chat before you apply: jeanette@pdsw.org.uk

Application deadline: 5pm Monday 8 February 2021

More info: https://www.pdsw.org.uk/vacancies/dancer-elisabeth-schillings-invisible-dances/


Celebrating the re-opening of theatres in Luxembourg, Elisabeth together with pianist Cathy Krier and videographer Bohumil Kostohryz created this short and joyful collaborative film at the Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg!





Tonight, 17th January 2021, 7.30pm, Elisabteth will be in Interview with SWR Radio chatting about the Invisible Dances Project around the World.

Today at 19.05h Elisabeth will be in interview at Radio ORF talking about her choreographic work HEAR EYES MOVE. Dances with Ligeti, her process working with this music and the inspirations behind the dance. 





Elisabeth had the pleasure to be a guest on SWR Landesschau on 05th January 2020


We would like to wish everybody a wonderful holiday time. May it be filled with wonder,, harmony, happiness and peace.

2020 has been very hard for most of us and while we remain greatful for what this year has brought to us despite all the obstacles, we hope for a more joyous and light 2021 for all of us.
Elisabeth Schilling & Team
Photo Bohumil Kostohryz

Following the recent governmental announcements with theaters needing to remain closed until January, we regret to inform you that our premiere HEAR EYES MOVE. Dances with Ligeti cannot take place.

We gratefully continue to work behind closed theatre doors and very much hope to share this new work with you another time!

Photo: screenshot from the video made by Jill Crovisier during our residency in the Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg

The company is currently in residency preparing Elisabeth’s new work HEAR EYES MOVE. Dances with Ligeti at TROIS C-L, Centre Chorégraphique Luxembourgeois and Grand Théâtre de la Ville de Luxembourg.

Photo: Bohumil Kostohryz