Dancing the City – Artist in Residence

The dancer and choreographer Elisabeth Schilling is artist in residence at TRIFOLION Echternach from 2021 to 2023. The theme of the residency is “Dancing the City”.
The aim of Elisabeth Schilling’s residency is to strengthen the role of contemporary dance in the city of Echternach, to make this art form accessible to a broad audience and to pass on her own enthusiasm for it to people who may have had little contact with this art form until now. To this end, she develops smaller and larger stage plays, but above all formats that combine ideas and actions that take place in urban space, in public, everyday places, with the classical theatre stage.

Next project: Elisabeth Schilling: TRIOLOGUE | 12 – 18.07.2021 | with Pit Dahm & Mélanie Planchard

Conventionné avec le Ministère de la Culture, Luxembourg
Avec le soutien de Oeuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte