‘Irresistible.’ – Marie-Laure Rolland, La Glaneuse Luxembourg

‘Moving.’ – Kerstin Thalau, Radio 100,7

‘Very sympathetic.’ – Szenik Magazin


As the corona virus continues to spread and the population lives and works in isolation, Elisabeth used the social media to invite everyone to create and film shoe dances with people’s favourite shoes to afterwards send  them back to her.

Answers and films reached Elisabeth from all over the world, old and young, mobile and immobile, artist or not – here you can find the video of these dances – to be updated weekly!

Interview about the project with The Barn Theatre, Aberdeenshire HERE.

Interview about the project with Kulturaspekte Magazin HERE.

More about PRESS


Official invitation:

Hello everyone,

In case you are bored or sad that so many (all of our contracts) in the coming weeks have been cancelled, I wanted to invite you to join a collective choreographic enquiry that I have been initiating to keep both yours as well as my and our audience’s spirits up 🙂

It’s called ’Shoe Dances against the Coronavirus’ and is that simple: take your favorite shoes, boogie a bit and send me the video. I am putting all those short clips together for all our happiness!  I am publishing the shoe dances through instagram / facebook as well as on a film through my website and it’s all anonymous.

Silly little idea which hopefully brings joy 🙂

-> Dogs, babies etc. all welcome!

Lots of love and stay healthy,
