‘One second it’s there…’

Movement, time, space and the art dance in galleries and museums

A response to the event by Emmie McLuskey.

Here you can find a record and response to a day of talks, provocations, lectures and performance work instigated and produced by Tim Nunn, Elisabeth Schilling and Simone Stewart on the occasion of Schilling’s performance of ‘FELT’ at Glasgow University’s Hunterian Gallery.

‘As with any event, it’s hard to relay or communicate an explanation or response to whole day of discussion, performance, participation and lectures in a written form.

In the programme for the day I was listed as the rapporteur, after googling what this meant ‘a person who is appointed by an organisation to report on the proceedings of its meetings,’ I tried to think what that might look like. Knowledge and the accumulation of it, is so often built into hierarchies, a written one being privileged over a v isual, a visual being privileged over a felt one etc. Documentation of performance practices posing endless problems and solutions. I wanted to attempt to record and pass on the information shared that day as best I could, a subjective perspective on what surfaced for me, my thoughts appearing throughout,
exploring formally how these knowledges intersect and depart from each other.’


Image: Martine Pinnel