8 Premieres

53 Performances

20 Cities

7 Residencies

5 Countries

Over 250 participants in workshops

1 Symposium

1 TED Talk

1 Dance film

2 Presentation

2 Publications


…we would like to thank everyone who visited one of our events, who supported and inspired us. 2020 will be a year full of ambitious projects and we are looking forward to welcoming and be accompanied by you on our paths, adventures and plans.


Elisabeth Schilling and her team would like to wish everyone a most wonderful holiday season, hopefully filled with harmony and peace.


Our office will be closed for some days and will reopen already ‘between the years’ to prepare new adventures. We are looking forward to take you with us yet again…

Elisabeth has been invited to give a Talk at TEDx Women in Luxembourg City.

The event will take place at the Hemicycle European Convention Centre in Luxembourg from 1-6pm.

Details will be published closer to the date.

Photo: Bohumil Kostohryz