Elisabeth is currently in residency at WU Arts Space in Sweden, within which she prepares new projects. A performance of FELT as well as a workshop around the piece will take place at the weekend.

Invited by visual artist Yvette Bathgate, Elisabeth participates in the shoot of a short film to be screened in Scotland in autumn 2019.



Invited by the organization Shetland Arts Elisabeth created a work, together with young dancers from the Shetland Islands, to be performed at Mareel on 21st July 2019.


An excerpt on the work can be seen here:



‘FELT is a bold proposal’ – Paulo Lobo.

The Luxembourgish magazine WUNNEN reports on FELT from the perspective of design & architecture in the summer issue June / July.





Ahead of the FELT performances at The Byre Theatre in St Andrews, Elisabeth gives and interview in ‘The Courier’.

Images: Bohumil Kostohryz & Martine Pinnel


‘Schilling’s fascinating moving sculpture helps us see fabric in a new light.’

On Monday,  1st July a four – star review by journalist Kelly Apter was published in the Scottish ‘The Scotsman’:
