‘Harzburg Music Days end with a strong finale’ – Press on ITA INFINITA

We are glad to share few quotes from the article written by Von Christoph Exner and published by the Goslarsche.de about the ITA INFINITA performance at the Harzburger Musiktage.


‘Harzburg Music Days end with a strong finale.’

‘At the end of the 54th Harzburg Music Days, the audience in Bündheim Castle was treated to three fascinating and impressive performances. One of them even managed to get the audience dancing.’

‘Three bodies that are constantly moving away from each other, but are connected by the interdependence of their movements. Their gazes are emotionless, machine-like. Yet, very close to the audience. An impressive performance, as the dancers showed excellent body control paired with uncanny discipline. Nothing could rattle them, not even a glass falling and shattering in the audience or a pair of glasses falling to the floor. The music, performed with virtuosity by violinist Winnie Cheng, was based on Johann Sebastian Bach’s “Partita for Violin No. 1 in B minor”, but included a new musical score composed by Schilling himself. The audience acknowledged the evening with a long round of applause and, in some cases, a standing ovation.’