Elisabeth is very excited to be joining Anu Sistonen’s Company Dance Development on her research project OPTIKE, which will be taking place at Bannanefabrik, Luxembourg as well as Mierscher Kulturhaus.

On May 29th, at 14.30-17.30, there will be an opportunity to discover the residency work by having a look on what the dancers have been working on with Anu. photo: Mikka Heinonen

Elisabeth has just performed her Solo Movement Studies #2 / Bruchstückhafte Zwischengezeiten with great success at London’s Festival CounterPoint Shorts. After invitation by Julia K Gleich, who curated and produced the event, Elisabeth has been able to create her piece with generous support by TROIS C-L, Centre de Création Chorégraphique Luxembourgeois and Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz. See Work / Choreography section for more details on this piece.

Performance: 7th May 7:45pm, Conway Hall, WC1R 4RL, London
Title: Movement Study #2 / Bruchstückhafte Zwischengezeiten

The piece is a compositional study of my research on movement qualities and textures, the way they resonate in time and space, oscillate and compliment each other.

Choreographic Assistance: Anu Sistonen / Simone Mousset

More infos on:




photo: Simone Mousset & Elisabeth Schilling